Jumat, 24 Februari 2017

3 Simple Ways To Succeed In Doing Business

Tips to get Money for beginners ~ Easy Ways to Business With Small Capital

I Accidentally listen to the conversation interesting afternoon in one of my regular radio listening is on the testimony of several people managed to run a home business opportunity.

There is the testimony of a scholar who has been keen to earn money on the internet since I was a college student, there is the testimony of a former bank employee out of a job well-established in a private bank just because they want to earn more than working in a bank, or the success of a business man who is never at home old work involved the so employees (as he usually out of one office to another) in a matter of months. There is also a father who starts a business instead of age 40 years and has been entered, there is also the testimony of a comedian or comedienne who can not look for opportunities to earn money as a comedian so had to hire someone else to get the order.

From all or some of the testimony, for people like me, it is very interesting conversation a person's success. Starting from scratch how to make money with little capital despite pioneering efforts to earn hundreds of millions of the business results. Well, on this occasion, I would like to conclude some major ideas( tips for making money )for beginners who are looking for business opportunities without large capital, as shown below.

The main capital to run a business

  1. Idea
    The idea is one way to succeed in venture capital is important. Looking for a business idea is not a simple matter, especially for beginners because they are confused to find the business side of what suits occupied from home to & nbsp; have never been in business before, never worked and average do not have sufficient capital to be able to run a home business. If so, then one way to get an idea of the most profitable business and is easy to do is to pay attention around us (environmental), roughly what the business will be sold to the people around us. business ideas are divided into two major groups, namely the manufacture / sell goods (products) or to offer business courses. In the stage of looking for profitable business ideas then it should not think too much about where he would get the capital to run a business, but focus on the question of whether the sale of goods can be sold or businesses that offer services can gain a lot of customers

  2. Talent
    Talent is a natural ability which obtained the results of God's gift. Can make a delicious omelet just by seeing how she cooks or good at taking care of people (influence others so took his advice) are some examples of talent that can be developed for business support. Cooking talent, jaunty and so are some of the nature of a person could be developed and polished to be used as capital for opening a business at home, for example to open a small shop, open catering, sales of electronic products specified on the sidelines of office work or during leisure time are some examples of the types of side business that can be done at home or anywhere. A talent will be very useful when supported a result of the expertise involved people work experience. So when selecting a small business then you should choose a business that you would like it if doing so continuously. There are so many types of businesses that would fit with the skills or talents that we have, we are able to live how ingenuity turning a talent into a profitable business.

  3. Preseverance
    Preseverance is important is owned by a businessman as fuel so that the business can continue to run. In any business, without capital, business with little capital or capital-intensive business, the possibility of bankruptcy is definitely there. But of course, no businessman wants his business into bankruptcy, does not it? Therefore, when the persistence of capital to pursue a business. A diligent will try to find a way out when his business suffered a setback, or look for other ideas for developing their business. Persistence is a mental nature, successful businessman that maybe we've heard success must be someone with exceptional diligence so as to maintain the business or even develop them into greater.
Why is the money not included in the above criteria, is not money important role? Yes, it is true, but in the absence of good management, the big capital can be wiped out because one does business. Likewise, there is a successful businessman who started his business with no capital money just yet. That is the reason why money is not the determining factor of success or failure when establish a business.

Brave and not afraid of competition is a small venture capital or critical attitude must a novice. When you want a home business then have the attitude of courage to face the competition. Now that you already know how to work from home with no large capital, and please practice properly so that your dreams come true.

Scientific Work



NIM            : 16.11.0878

CLASS      : 16 S1-TI 14





          Along with the progress and development of science and technology lead to problems in various fields. However, through the development of science and technology also affect various aspects of the business. With a look and follow the development of science and technology, we can also establish a pattern associated with the development of business opportunities. Currently in Indonesia many types of businesses that have the potential and a tremendous opportunity to move forward, it is because of the formation of the pattern of business development always follow the development of science and technology.
The purpose of this paper is as follows:
1.     General Purpose Get an idea in building business opportunities associated with the development of Science and Technology.
2.     Specific Objectives To society, especially in children aware of the importance of the pattern in the formation of sound business opportunities.
1.     To complete the task in the subject of Business Environment
2.     As in contributing ideas to the public, especially the youth in the establishment of sound business opportunities.
3.     To find out if people can think broadly about the importance of the development pattern in business.
In this paper the authors to obtain the data necessary to use some method of writing as follows:
1.     Study literature: the author read the books and a collection of subjects related to this research.
               Business in the broadest sense is a general term that describes all the activities and institutions that produce goods and services in daily life and a scope where the placement is always scope flurry of activity and jobs that bring profits. Where in the business should have a mature concept, in order to run business can survive and continue to grow. Business opportunities that have been opened must be based memanagemen capabilities both in business, and also look at the situation on the ground or the outside world.
   The purpose of business is the end result to be achieved by the business of the business they are doing and is a reflection of the various expected results can be done by parts of the organization of the company (production, marketing, personnel, etc.) that will determine the company's performance in the long term , The goal of business is to provide products in the form of goods or services to meet the needs of consumers as well as to benefit from activities undertaken. In the long term, the objectives are not only to meet the needs of consumers, but there are many things to be achieved by the company in its business, including: 
1. Market Standing, which is ruling the market which will be a guarantee for the company to  earn sales revenue and profit in the long term.
2. Innovation is the innovation in products (goods or services) and innovation expertise. Business objectives to be achieved through innovation is creating add value to a product, ex as shampoo 2 in 1.
3. Physical and financial resources, the company has the objective of the control over resources
4. Physical and finance to develop the company into a bigger and more profitable.
5. Manager performance and development, the manager is the person who is operationally responsible for the achievement of organizational goals. To be able to manage the company well, the manager needs to have a wide range of capabilities and expertise appropriate to the profession. It is necessary to increase the performance and capacity manager through a series of activities attractive compensation and training and development programs that are sustainable. Worker Performance and Attitude, for the long-term interests, the attitude of the employees of the company and the job needs to be considered in order to work properly.
6. Public Responsibility, a business must have a social responsibility as promote the welfare of the community, prevent pollution and create jobs, etc. 
In the implementation of Business has several aspects as follows:
1.     The activities of individuals and groups in the formation off a business which is divided into two options, namely individual businesses or business per group.
2.     Make a value creation of value through implementation of business concepts
3.     Make a goods and services in business be discussed is definitely the goods and services supplied or sold, so there should be clear data about the goods and services produced.
4.     Gain profits through transactions When transactions have to feel as comfortable as possible both of the services offered and the price agreements, and other agreements.
Business functions seen from the interests microeconomic and macroeconomic.
1. Function Micro Business Contribution to the direct role
a)    Workers / Employees Workers want decent salaries from their work while managers want high performance demonstrated the magnitude of the sales turnover and profit.
b)    BOC Monitor and oversee management activities, ensuring the activities will run goals.
c)     Shareholders have a particular interest and responsibility to the company
2. Macro Functions Business Contribution to the parties involved indirectly
a)    Communities around the company Contribute to the local community as a form of corporate responsibility.
b)    Nation and the responsibility to the nation and the state are realized in the form of paying taxes
a. Capital (capital) amount of money used in conducting business activities. 
b. Materials (materials) is a factor of production required in executing business activities to be processed to produce the goods and services needed by society.
c. Human Resources (HR) HR Qualifications Has the competitive ability and high quality.
d. Management skills (Skill Management) management system that is run by the procedures and work order management.
Based on the description and presentation of business opportunities it can be concluded:
a.     In making a business must have a clear basic concept.
b.     Must have a competitive human resources and high quality.
c.     The businesses that we build must be tailored to the needs of society or consumer.
Based on the business elements presented that the main element of most business is capital, but in this case the authors advise that the capital we need will be the hundredth number if there are dreams and embroidery round. Just as Prof. Dr. M. Suyanto, M. M. successful start a business without money.
M.Suyanto. 2005. smart in enterpreneur: 11 Rahasia Memulai Bisbis tanpa Uang,
penerbit ANDI, yogyakarta. M. Suyanto. 2004. smart in enterpreneur Belajar dari Kesuksesan Pengusaha Top Dunia, penerbit ANDI, yogyakarta

Selasa, 21 Februari 2017

How To Start Your Own Business For Beginners

Starting your own business is easy for most people, for example, housewives want to try the food business or a student wanted to know how to do business via the internet or want to make money for themselves without asking for tuition parents. It would be very confusing for basically being an entrepreneur is not easy.
In the modern era is the era of the best for beginners who want to look for an opportunity to earn money by way of example online work at home. The idea of ​​making money with their own business at home is very good for the income and savings or investments in old age or other purposes.
On this occasion, we would like to give tips to make money easy to do.

Most beginners or people who for the first time will begin working at home without the capital side preoccupied with the issue of money. capital money for them is everything so and when the capital requirements of the business is considered too big and they do not have enough capital then urunglah intention of trying to find a second job as a desire into practice. But if true, the capital is the main reason that can ensure a sample of small businesses will be smooth and successful when supported by substantial capital? The answer could be YES and NO.

  1. Improve the Mindset and Thinking patterns
    The mindset is the main capital in the most profitable business, it is up to any effort! Is that mindset? In simple terms can be explained that mindset is the "base" of all the foundations of a successful business our way, if without the means or patterns of thought distinguished it impossible for a person can feel the success of its business. Mindset an entrepreneur is clearly different from an employee mindset. Employers must have had a vision far ahead of what you want achieved within 5, 10, 15 or 20 years into the future so that he would make the plan go to small businesses first, then will make short-term plans, medium or long-term vision of the , The vision is closely related to a goal such as live well in old age, or has property assets, or has had an established business that can be transmitted to children / grandchildren and ideals (dreams) others. In contrast to the employer of an employee generally does not have the vision of the "high" employee familiar with the mindset and the static and repetitive work every day. Go to work at 7 am, return at 4 pm and do the same job every day. Employees glued hearts monotonous work activities so that NO can develop and explore the potential of its natural self so that no bit of regret in his old age Yourself BECAUSE Trying to review Become An Entrepreneur in his youth. Employees stuck in monotonous work activities that can not develop themselves and explore their natural potential so it is not a bit sorry for themselves in old age because it does not try to become an entrepreneur in his youth.
  2. Knowledge or Expertise
    Knowledge or expertise is fundamental both to be possessed by an entrepreneur. It is impossible someone beginners can run and grow the business if she did not have the expertise or specific knowledge relating to the business. An entrepreneur has a soul willing to "learn" to improve knowledge / expertise, and it takes time. In the process of learning that occurs transformation of values ​​where the first is not understood now be understood or were not able to now be able to. Take for example if you are interested in opening a business selling bread then definitely have to master how to make delicious bread, bread to decorate see manrik and so forth. If you do not have the knowledge or expertise like that, then of course we will try to figure out how to make delicious bread, is not it? process to be an expert to make bread that must be passed by anyone if you want to run a bakery business. And if the bread business has many customers as a true entrepreneur he would seek to grow the business so that it becomes larger, for example by opening branches in other places. open branches in other places that also need special skills to be learned. Therefore, a successful entrepreneur must always eager to improve their knowledge or expertise so that their business can grow both developed and developing.
  3. Work hard!
    Hard work is the "breath" of a businessman. Companies of any nature, will not be able to survive and thrive without their hard work. You can view or read the success stories of entrepreneurs and work hard to be in their dictionary daily. Day and night, the entrepreneur will always think of ways to expand their business. If today fails then they are sure a few moments later psti efforts will succeed reap the benefits as expected. Successful entrepreneurs do not know the term despair and despondency, they love a challenge, they are ready for the challenge, and they have the confidence to overcome the challenges of running a business. A businessman working hours are longer than the working hours of employees, it is clearly because they rely on the survival of the family business stay. If a small business is practiced fail or go bankrupt, the family becomes uncertain fate.
Well, that's a basic guide on how to start their own small businesses, should a beginner can grasp and understand how to make money, run and grow their own businesses. I believe, in any way find the money they're going to do, then it can not be separated from crucial three basic things mentioned above.


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